Cirriculum Vitae


Mobile: +61 0422-061-864

Work Experience

Feb 2013 - Current: Seabed Geosolutions - Fugro CGG Joint Venture
Jan 2008 - Feb 2013: Fugro Electro-Magnetic, Osbourne Park, Western Australia
Development Geophysicist (Casual) Marine controlled source electromagnetic software development and testing. Marine CSEM feasibility studies. 3D MCSEM forward modelling and inversion.

Feb 2009 - Current: Curtin University
Lecturer/Tutorial Instructor (Contract)

Nov 2007 - Feb 2008: Downunder Geosolutions, Subiaco, Western Australia
Development Geophysicist (Summer Casual) Proprietary seismic visualisation and processing software research and development.

Nov 2006 - Nov 2007: Southern Geoscience Consultants, Ardross, Western Australia
Junior Geophysicist (Casual) Mineral geophysical data processing. Processing ground gravity, magnetic, electromagnetic and resistivity and datasets for clients. Program development using the C-programming language to assist and improve existing processing workfows.


2009 - Current: Doctor of Philosophy Candidate
Curtin University
Thesis: Multidimensional Computation
for Marine Electromagnetic Methods
- Electromagnetic Cloud Parallelisation
- 3D/4D Visualization
- Software Development for CSEM
- Brain Controlled Geophysics

2004 - 2008 Bachelor of Science
Geophysics (Honours)
First Class Honours
Curtin University of Technology
Thesis: Planning and 4D Visualisation of the Marine controlled Source Electromagnetic Method

2004 - 2007 Bachelor of Computer Science
Computer Science
The University of Western Australia


2009 - 2012 Australian Postgraduate Award (Australian Federal Government)
2009 - 2012 Curtin Postgraduate Scholarship (Curtin University)
2008 Vice Chancellors Award (Top 1% of graduates, Curtin University)
2008 AUSIMM Award for Excellence
2008 PESA, Elwood Horstman Prize (Curtin University, best fourth year student)

Computer Skills

- Eclipse IDE, Netbeans
- ANT Build
- JavaFX, Swing
- JavaDB, DB4o
- JUnit, Log4J
C and C++, Fortran

Oasis Montaj, AMIRA EM Suite,
EMIT Maxwell, ENCOM EMVision,
ProMax, Seisworks

Windows, Linux
LATEX, MSOce, OpenOce

Created August 2012 is a learning and resource portal for marine CSEM.
Received 4000 visitors from 83 countries with 800 software downloads


Referees provided on request.

Conference Papers

2013 ASEG Conference, Melbourne Computing Brains and Geophysics
2013 EAGE Conference, London Poynting Vector Streamlines and the Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Airwave
2012 ASEG Conference, Brisbane Open Source Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Interactive Modelling
2012 ASEG Conference, Brisbane Understanding the e ffect of Bathymetry on the Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Method using Electromagnetic Streamlines
2012 ASEG Conference, Brisbane 3D modelling for time-lapse cross-well CSEM monitoring of CO2 injection into brine fi lled reservoirs
2011 SEG Conference, San Antonio Comparison of a vertical electric and a vertical magnetic source for cross well CSEM monitoring of CO2 injection
2011 ASEG Conference, Sydney Conditioning of the 3D Marine Controlled Source Inversion
2011 CRGC, RottnestCRGC, Rottnest Implications of Bathymetry on MCSEM

Journal Papers

2012, Computers in Geoscience* Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Streamlines
2012, Geophysics* Macro Parallelisation for Controlled Source Electromagnetic Applications
2012, Exploration Geophysics* Bathymetry, Electromagnetic Streamlines and the Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Method
2008, Exploration Geophysics Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Methods for Hydrocarbon Exploration


2012, CSEMoMatic Omnium Open Source marine controlled source EM forward modelling
2012, CSEMoMatic v1.4 Open Source marine controlled source EM forward modelling
2012, NeuroCSEMoMatic The first brain controlled geophysics software package
2012, CSEMoMatic Touch Multi-touch version of CSEMoMatic
2011, AirBeoGrid Cloud computing implementation for large scale airborne inversion