Web Applications

Some screenshots from the latest CSEMoMatic Omnium Edition

CSEMoMatic Omnium

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My final electromagnetic software version is called CSEMoMatic - Omnium. The Latin word ‘Omnium’ was chosen because it roughly translates in English to “for all”. The CSEMoMatic software has publically integrated Dipole1D (Key, 2009a) and AMIRA’s 3D Integral Equation Marco (Xiong, 1992) algorithms. A number of proprietary algorithms have been developed and integrated into a proprietary versions including Hursan and Zhdanov (2002) 3D integral equation algorithm INTEM3D, a quasi-analytical inversion algorithm QAINV (Zhdanov et al., 2000) and a 2.5D irregular finite difference modelling Otze (Scholl and Sinkevich, 2012). Considerable work has been placed into CSEMoMatic. Overall approximately 100,000 lines of Java code have been written by myself for all the versions of CSEMoMatic.


Hursan, G. and M. S. Zhdanov (2002). Contraction integral equation method in three-dimensional electromagnetic modeling. Radio Sci. 37 (6), 1089.
Key, K. (2009a). 1d inversion of multicomponent, multifrequency marine CSEM data: Methodology and synthetic studies for resolving thin resistive layers. Geophysics 74 (2),
Scholl, C. and V. Sinkevich (2012). Modeling mcsem data with a finite difference approach and an and unstructured model grid in the presence of bathymetry.
Xiong, Z. (1992). Electromagnetic modeling of 3d structures by the method of system iteration using integral equations. Geophysics 57 (12), 1556–1561.
Zhdanov, M. S., V. I. Dmitriev, S. Fang, and G. Hursan (2000). Quasi-analytical approximations and series in electromagnetic modeling. Geophysics 65 (6), 1746–1757.

Understanding Electromagnetic Field Behaviour

Understanding Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Field Propogation

In reality, electromagnetic field propagation is extremely complex. Everything in the earth influences the recorded electromagnetic response, from the highly resistive air to the most seemingly insignificant conductive brine filled sandstone unit. Everybody has a preferred method to understanding electromagnetic field behaviour. It could be mathematically, rules of thumb or with static field lines. I like the idea of streamlines as they are able to visualise simulated electric, magnetic and Poynting vector field lines in time. Each to their own.