UPDATE: I will not update this version or any CSEMoMatic version to bring my research together into unified EM single package. Keep a look out for AMPGeoscience

About CSEMoMatic

This software is built upon Kerry Key's Dipole1D algorithm (link) (website).

Kerry Key's algorithm is described in this paper

"Key, K., 2009, 1D inversion of multicomponent, multifrequency marine CSEM data: Methodology and synthetic studies for resolving thin resistive layers: Geophysics, 74, F9-F20." (link)

It has been included within this package under the GNU General Public License, Version 3.0

The purpose of MCSEM Interactive Modeller is to calculate 1D or 2D and visualise responses interactively so that a quick understanding of the fields can be obtained. It can also be used to interactively forward model 1D responses to field data.

Source Code

See Section SVN Access for more details.

Installing and Executing CSEMoMatic

Installing and Java

To run CSEMoMatic you will need to download and install the latest Java runtime environment


Installing and JOGL2 (Omnium Only)

you will also need to install the java openGL libraries into the installed JRE you can do this by downloading the latest JOGL2 libraries

in the downloaded 7-zip file you will see a number of directories, but you only need /jar and /lib

Copy all the jar files from the /jogamp-all-platforms/jar/ directory into /*where you installed your JRE*/jre/lib/ext/

Copy all the system (i.e. .dll, .so etc...) files from the /jogamp-all-platforms/lib/*your OS*/ directory into /*where you installed your JRE*/jre/lib/ext/xxxx where xxxx is your CPU architecture (i386, amd64 etc....)

At some point I will get around to packaging this up together. Not today. Sorry.


Running CSEMoMatic

To run software
1. Extract CSEMoMatic_vx.xx.zip to any writable directory
2. Go to the directory using Terminal or CMD window
3. Run using the command java -jar CSEMoMatic.jar
4. If extra memory is required use the command java -Xmx1000m -jar CSEMoMatic.jar
5. or if Java 64bit has been installed use the command java -Xmx3000m -jar CSEMoMatic.jar


To see all versions of the software visit http://www.digitalearthlab.com/digitalearthlabuploads/CSEMoMatic/

Release Notes

- Fixed many bugs
- Added export header on text file
- Final version of the CSEMoMatic Series

Release Notes

Ahhhhhh.....!!! Its been a while since the latest version of CSEMoMatic was released. I realise that my software cannot do what many of you out there require. I am working towards an optimal solution, but it involves me basically rewriting the whole pacakge. I am proud to introduce CSEMoMatic Omnium, later to be called just Omnium. Omnium, when loosely translated from latin means 'for all'. The base CSEMoMatic Omnium package will alway be free. I have big plans for CSEMoMatic moving towards an easy to use advance piece of software. A lot of work has been put into this package (~60,000 lines) with me just looking after it. At some point we may change the license from GNU v3 after my PhD is over, it will be free still, just no source code on request. I still haven't made up my mind on this yet. This will probably be hosted on a new website to suit the software objectives (MCSEM, is rather limiting: don't worry I plan to keep this domain www.mcsem.com for the next few years). I will probably rewrite most ideas from scratch to have a better back end. This release is done just to touch base with people who are following this softwares progression.

So what is new?

- New 3D Visualisation via JOGL2 utilising Vertex Buffering allowing my NVidia GTX9800 to push 700 million quads per second.
- Better back end to enable variable survey designs. Better 2D and 3D visualisation.
- Don't listen to the menu's. There is no towed implementation yet. but it is close. Along with inversion, 2D and 3D streamlines, intensive grid computing, model building.
- I call this a beta because it is incomplete.
- No help file. Sorry 🙁