About CSEMoMatic
This software is built upon Kerry Key's Dipole1D algorithm (link) (website).
Kerry Key's algorithm is described in this paper
"Key, K., 2009, 1D inversion of multicomponent, multifrequency marine CSEM data: Methodology and synthetic studies for resolving thin resistive layers: Geophysics, 74, F9-F20." (link)
It has been included within this package under the GNU General Public License, Version 3.0
The purpose of MCSEM Interactive Modeller is to calculate 1D or 2D and visualise responses interactively so that a quick understanding of the fields can be obtained. It can also be used to interactively forward model 1D responses to field data.
Source Code
See Section SVN Access for more details.
Installing and Executing CSEMoMatic
Installing and Java
To run CSEMoMatic you will need to download and install the latest Java runtime environment
Installing and JOGL2 (Omnium Only)
you will also need to install the java openGL libraries into the installed JRE you can do this by downloading the latest JOGL2 libraries
in the downloaded 7-zip file you will see a number of directories, but you only need /jar and /lib
Copy all the jar files from the /jogamp-all-platforms/jar/ directory into /*where you installed your JRE*/jre/lib/ext/
Copy all the system (i.e. .dll, .so etc...) files from the /jogamp-all-platforms/lib/*your OS*/ directory into /*where you installed your JRE*/jre/lib/ext/xxxx where xxxx is your CPU architecture (i386, amd64 etc....)
At some point I will get around to packaging this up together. Not today. Sorry.
Running CSEMoMatic
To run software
1. Extract CSEMoMatic_vx.xx.zip to any writable directory
2. Go to the directory using Terminal or CMD window
3. Run using the command java -jar CSEMoMatic.jar
4. If extra memory is required use the command java -Xmx1000m -jar CSEMoMatic.jar
5. or if Java 64bit has been installed use the command java -Xmx3000m -jar CSEMoMatic.jar
To see all versions of the software visit http://www.digitalearthlab.com/digitalearthlabuploads/CSEMoMatic/